Kahion LTO node

We are a small LTO node operator, supporting the LTO network. You can also help securing the network by leasing your $LTO tokens, in exchange you will earn a part of the fee earned by the node. Rewards are autocompounding, you withdraw whenever you want.

4,119,927 LTO

Address: 3Ju8dmBqNzqNN57czAznmoFzmu6Pk3Yyoej

What is LTO

LTO network is a hybrid blockhain platform featuring Business-to-Business functionalities. It allows sharing data between business enabling collaboration through the use of decentralized workflows. It also allows the digital verification of digital assets.

Why leasing

For yourself

By leasing your LTO tokens to a node, they will share with you the rewards of processing transactions blocks. You can check your expected rewards in the tool below.

For the network

By leasing, you are giving trust to the node. When everyone distribute their trust between different nodes, this build decentralization and helps securing the network. This is a simple but important contribution to the project.

I lease LTO
After a month:
After a year:

Frequently Asked Questions

What does auto-compounding means ?

On a regular node, you automatically get your earnings from your leasing in a timely fashion (like every week). But if you wish to then earns more rewards from them, you have to manually lease again. It's great if you wish to regularly sell your earnings.

On an auto-compounding node, when you earn your rewards, we instead keep tab of it, and directly use them to earn you more rewards without the need to lease again. On the other hand you have to manually ask to withdraw your earnings. This is great if you plan to hold long-term.

So it's not better, it just depends on what you are planning to do with your rewards.

How can I track my earnings ?

You can use the dashboard, simply create an account and link your LTO wallet address. You can now follow how much you are earning.

How can I withdraw ?

To withdraw your initial lease, you can do it at any moment from your wallet.

To withdraw your earnings made on our node, create an account on the dashboard, link your wallet and click the withdraw button there.

Is there a risk ?

None! Your funds never leaves your wallet, your lease is always in your full control.

What is the details of the fees ?

Withdrawing cost 1 LTO.

To help running operations, we also take a share of the earnings which are reducing the longer you stay with us !

< 3 month


< 1 year


> 1 year


Taking rewards does not reset the timer.

You can track your fee level in the dashboard

How can I add more to my lease ?

No need to cancel your existing lease and do a brand new one. Just make a new lease alongside the existing one, we will automatically sum all your leases.

What is your setup ?

Our node is hosted at OVH, ensuring a availability of 99.9%. They are continuously monitored to warn us as soon as a problem is noticed. You can watch yourself how reliable our servers are on the status page.

I don't want to register

No problem, if you lease without registering, the node will work as a normal LTO node with regular payout. This means that on the first day of every months we will automatically send all your earned rewards directly to your wallet.
Please note that those earnings will not be leased, so if you wish to start earning with those, you will have to manually lease them. On the other hand, it is great for a monthly revenue.

How to lease

The act of leasing and starting earning for your participation is a three part steps:

  1. Creating a LTO wallet
  2. Buying LTO tokens
  3. Leasing

1. Creating a LTO wallet

A wallet is where we will store your LTO tokens and will allow us to lease.
To access a wallet, you need a seed phrase, which is a list of 15 words. Anyone with those 15 words have full access to the funds on the wallet, please store it securely in a place protected from undesirables eyes and hacks.

a. First go to wallet.lto.network and start creating an account.

b. Give it a name and a password.
The name and password are not the seed phrase, those will only be used to allow you to not have to retype your seed phrase each time you want to access your wallet on this computer. If you wish to access your wallet on another computer, you will have to input your seed phrase and you will be prompted to choose a name and password there too, which can be different.

a. Click continue

b. Set a name and password

c. Write down the seed

d. Confirm you written down the seed

c. You will be now be given your 15 words seed phrase. Avoid storing digitally, keep it only on a physical medium and store it securely. Make a copy too.

d. Once done, you have to confirm you correctly written down your seed phrase by selecting all the 15 words in the correct order.

e. You now have access to you wallet but it's empty, we will top it up in the next part. For now, note your wallet's address, we will need it to send the funds.

e. Note your address, Mine is 3JoA48AWoN7CMSsWN9LXR3p78hn1wS7vLn6. Simply click on it to copy.

2. Buying LTO tokens

To buy LTO tokens, we will need an exchange. For this example we will use Binance which boast competitive transactions fees.

For now, select wether you are on mobile or desktop:

On mobile

The first step is to download the Binance app on your smartphone:

a. Open your newly downloaded Binance app and at the middle of the screen, click "Sign Up / Log In", then "Register" at the top.

Enter your email and a password. Also fill the Referral ID field with "41417835", you can get a registration bonus depending on the current promotion campaign

Continue following the registrations step

a. Click on Sign up

b. Once fully registered, we need to get the full access to Binance, we are currently using Binance lite. To do that, at the top-left of the screen, click on the little button representing your profile. Then uncheck the Binance Lite option

c. Now on the middle of the screen, Click on the "Credit/Debit card" option

d. We will buy some bitcoin (BTC) which will then exchange for LTOs. We cannot buy LTOs directly for now.

c. Once on Binance pro, click "Credit/Debit card"

d. Set how much you want to invest

Now we will exchange those bitcoins to LTO tokens.

At the bottom of the screen, click Market

e. On this new page, click on the searchbar and type LTO. You should have two results, click on LTO/BTC, which will allow us to exchange our BTC against LTO.

f. The new screen give us some informations about the price evolution, but we want to buy, click the big green Buy button.

e. Search LTO, select LTO/BTC

f. Click buy

g. Two things before doing the exchange:

  1. click on the word "Limit", select "Market" instead.
  2. Click on 100%

Now click "Buy LTO"

Done, we now have our LTO tokens !

g. Select market and 100% of our funds before buying

Now we will send those LTO tokens to your wallet

h. At the bottom of the screen, click the "Wallet" button, then "Withdraw".
You should have only one option, select LTO.

In the address field, enter the address of your wallet, and click on the max button in the amount field

Click "Withdrawal" at the bottom, your LTO tokens are now being sent to your wallet, this should take a minute.

On desktop

Go the Binance registration page and follow the steps.

Once fully registered, we will buy some bitcoin (BTC) which will then exchange for LTOs. We cannot buy LTOs directly for now.

a. For that, in the navbar, select "Buy crypto by Credit/Debit card"

a. We go buy cryptos

b. Fill how much you want to buy and the informations of your credit/debit card

b. Buy bitcoin

c. We will now exchange those bitcoins against LTOs.

Go to the "Market" tab in the navbar.

Click on the "BTC Markets".

Type "LTO" in the search bar.

Click the "Trade" button on the LTO/BTC line.

c. Search for the LTO/BTC market

d. The screen can be a little daunting, do not worry, we just need the part at the right.

Select the market tab, put all your bitcoins in the exchange and then click the "Buy" button.

Now we have our LTOs !

d. Make a market buy with all our bitcoins

e. Now we will send those LTOs to your wallet.

Into the navbar, open the "Wallet" menu, and select "Fiat and spot".

Search for LTO, and click the "Withdraw" button on its line.

e. Search the lto line, and click the "Withdraw" button

f. The first field "address" need to be filled with the address of your LTO wallet created in the first part.

Select the LTO transfer network.

And send how many LTOs (all) you want to send.

Then click "Submit". Your LTOs should arrive in your LTO wallet in a minute.

f. Fill the form with your own wallet address

3. Leasing

We have funds available in our wallet, we will lease them to the node to start earning rewards.

a. Go to wallet.lto.network and connect to your account.

a. open your wallet

b. Go to the Leasing tab.

Click the "Start Lease" button.

Select a custom node.

b. Start a custom lease

c. Fill the node address: 3Ju8dmBqNzqNN57czAznmoFzmu6Pk3Yyoej

Also the amount of LTO tokens you want to lease. Leasing will indue a fee of 1 LTO token.

Thanks for leasing to us !

c. Set the leasing informations

Some other random informations